Pick a Good Phone Number and Port It Out For Business or Personal Line
Cannot get desired phone numbers from your local carrier? Looking for a personalized phone number for business ? Or simply want a GOOD phone number? TalkU can help! TalkU provide real US phone numbers with some hard-to-find area codes. The numbers can be port ed out to other mobile phone carriers such as AT&T, Verizon, T-Mobile and Sprint. To get a good phone number , you don’t have to go through the hassle of registering with a mobile phone company any more. Just pick a favorite one in TalkU and port it out. It is very easy to port out phone numbers. First, you need to find a GOOD phone number in TalkU. There are several simple ways for you to find a perfect one : 1. Numbers end with same number, like (305)-668-8888, search *8888 in TalkU. 2. Numbers have same number, like (207)-111-1234, search *1111*. 3. Numbers have specific number, like (408)-123-4567, search *1234* or *4567 4. Find area code, e...